Gain MASSIVE self-confidence

How To Gain MASSIVE self-confidence

Your life is not under your control if you don't have self-confidence. Without confidence you live as a victim. Life will happen to you and you will always feel inferior and insignificant.

But, you are great! I don't know you but the one thing that I know about you is that you are a powerful being. You were born to shine. To unlock that power you need to believe in yourself. You need to build confidence. I am going to show how to do that.

Stop caring about what others think
If you are constantly worried about what people think of you then you will only live life to the limits they set for you. And they are usually very low so you will always feel miserable and insignificant. You need to ingore what ever people told you couldn't archive. It might be your friends, your teachers or your family. You need to tell yourself that you can do it. Only listen to people when they are encouraging you to become better.

Stop comparing yourself to others
You must set your own standards of success. You must stay in your own track if you try to run in someone else's track you will trip and fall. You won't be able to go very much further than that person. Don't compare your income with the neighbour's income. If you do you will be wasting energy on that person instead of directing that energy into build a big success for yourself.

Be grateful for what you have now
Being grateful does not mean you can't have more. In fact it does the opposite. Successful are always grateful for whatever they have even when it is still small. When you are grateful you welcome success into your life. If you think you don't have anything to be grateful for then you are wrong. Because you are still alive.

Embrace but don't accept...
If you want to be better than what you are right now, have embrace what you are then build on that. If you want to become a millionaire. Look at were you are then see how much more do you need to become a millionaire. If you are shy and want to become a public speaker. Start small start by speaking in front of your family or some kids then maybe your friends then higher than that.

Redesign your thinking...
Most insecure people or people that lack self-confidence are constantly thinking about how bad they are at some things. Well confident know that no one is perfect they may make it look like they are perfect. But if you look closely everyone has a problem they are working on. If you want to be confident and successful, you need to stop thinking about your problems too much. You need start looking at what you are good at. This will start to make you feel superior and confident. Then you can work on your problems. Every successful person started small. They started as a nobody and became somebody. That should be your goal.

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  1. 😍Wow! Thank you so much Tram. This is really inspirational😎

  2. It's a pleasure Sam👍😉


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